- Many Rating score 4.13
- Beleuchtet
- Schnake mit Pilz
- Teller Rating score 4.13
- Strahlen
- Goldwald
- Mystic
- Autumn Valley
- Herbstlandschaft Rating score 3.71
- Leave Cover
- Into The Sun
- Star
- Hohe Mark
- Deep Forest
- Smooth
- Lippe
- Spotlight
- Peaceful
- Strahlen
- Herbstrbrücke
- Swirl
- Glowing Eye
- Burning
- Early
- Rast
- Stock
- Swirl
- Sprint
- Jump
- Midlich
- Splash
- Herbstpracht
- Kontrast
- Herbstbäume
- Freigestellt
- Blauton Rating score 4.13
- Januar
- Pale
- A7
- Platt
- Baumkronen
- Moonshine Fields
- Herbstwald
- Trees
- Laub
- Kolonie
- Baumfront
- Multicolor
- Morning Field
- Stripe
- The Road
- Bloody Sky
- Pleasant
- Hello
- Big Sky
- The Rising
- Kontur
- Fallen
- Slippery
- RedGreen
- Begruessung
- Sommerpilz
- Tagpfauenauge
- Path
- Attacke
- Wachposten
- Patrouille
- White Glow
- Sommertraum
- Durst
- Holunder
- Kapelle
- Pilzgebilde
- Leuchtendes Rot
- Sunflower
- Dackelblick
- Hundenase
- Der Späher
- Mais
- Hard Day